About Us
conceived in Australia in March 1981 as the direct result of DYNAMIC
PLASTICS LTD of the United Kingdom opening a branch
in Australia.
Acceptance of the quality
design and manufacture of dynamic fume cabinet exhaust systems was
positive and factory space was quickly doubled in 1986 by 1992,
some 250 dynamic fume cupboards had been
installed in Australia. A lot of innovative design work had been
done and a wide range of laboratory exhaust equipment and air cleaning
equipment had been developed and sold.
In 1993 three of the
employees purchased the business and operated under the name of
DYNAMIC FUME EXHAUST SYSTEMS PTY. LTD. with the continuing help
of one of the previous directors.
The business is currently operated by DANTEK PTY. LTD. under the trading name of DYNAMIC FUME EXHAUST SYSTEMS. DANTEK PTY. LTD. also owns the name DYNAMIC PLASTICS.
2004 the company achieved NATA
accreditation (Accreditation No.14771) to provide testing services
for fume cupboards. Clients are therefore assured that their equipment
will be tested and measured by a company that meets the technical
competence requirements of internationally recognised Standards
such as ISO/IEC 17025 (which includes the management
requirements of the ISO 9000 standards). This is your assurance
of our technical capability and the reliability of the test data
that we supply.
The previous experience of
Dantek personnel in engineering, manufacturing, marketing &
consulting has breathed new life into a sound company that has provided
good products and service to Australian industry continuously for
nore than 20 years. We anticipate a bright future.
- Analchem Laboratories
- Australian
- Australian Water Technology
- Amdel
- A.C. Hatricks
- Asset Services
- Associated Controls
- Beckman Coulter
- Bisaloy BHP Wire Products
- BP Solar
- Bread Research Institute
- BOC Gases
- Central Sydney Area Health Serv
- Crown PAF
- Dalcross Private Hospital
- Digital Audio
- DuPont Agricultural Products
- Deakin Research
- Drew Australia
- Forensic Science Laboratory
- Gas Analysis Systems
- Haden Engineering
- Hamilton Australia
- Johson Mathey
- Kimberly Clark
- Kirby Refrigeration
- Kirk Engineering Services
- Lu Papi & Associates
- Luxfer

- M+W. Zander
- Mater Hospital
- Macquarie University
- Metals refining - Papua NG
- Nationwide Oil
- Newcastle Dept. Land & Water
- NSW Agriculture
- Nufern Australia
- Pacific Analysis
- Pacific Solar
- Parnell Laboratories
- Powerhouse Museum
- Pharmalax
- Process Design & Fabrication
- Prince Alfred Hospital
- Public Works NSW - (schools)
- Peregrine Semiconductor
- Quality Semiconductor
- Redfern Integrated Optics
- Regent Park Electroplaters
- Sericol Pty. Ltd.
- Synchor
- Southcorp
- Universal Anodisers
- University of New England
- University of NSW
- University of Sydney
- Vinidex
- Wollongong Hospital
- Wollongong
- Western Sydney Health Service
- Westmead Hospital
- Workcover Authority |